In the Campaigns Area click on .
Fill in the details.
Name - Choose a name for your campaign;
Tags - up to 5 labels that can be used to aid identification and searching;
Domain - this is the primary domain that this campaign will take the user when clicked;
Time Zone – which time zone you want to deliver your campaign;
Scheduling - set your start and ending date for the Campaign;
Bid Price – this is where you will be deciding your bidding price for the AD’s auction;
Fixed - Set your immutable price for an inventory slot;
Variable - Activate this option to use our technology "Bid Shading", which is the platform's own bidder; if activated, it will optimize your budget spend, always focusing on the fairest value for purchasing those inventory spaces. This generates significant savings, although the company may choose not to activate Bid Shading and let the bidding offer be based solely on the CPM target.
Frequency Cap: Amount of impressions per device, here you can change how many times the campaign will be shown to each device;
Attention! The higher the Frequency Cap, the more you'll appear to the same user. The lower the Frequency Cap, you'll reach more users and appear less often to each of them.
This will be your view after successfully creating a campaign.
Configure your Budget, Targets and Ads.
If this notice appears in the status of your creative, ad, or campaign, it means that the material was not approved by the platform or ad exchanges. In this case, BMS will inform you of the issue in question (in detail) by hovering the cursor on the sign, and you can make the necessary adjustments before activation.
To enable your campaign simply flip the Enable toggle.
Attention! We always advise to deactivate the campaign instead of deleting it completely. When deleting a campaign, all data and metrics are lost as well.
While real-time events are kept for 15 minutes, you can check the campaign metrics for any time interval. Metrics can take up to 5 minutes to display the most recent data. Below you can find every metric that is available for your Campaign.
You can also view Real Time events from your Campaign through our Real Time Tab.
After filling in all fields, click on , if there is any invalid field, it will be shown so you can review what is missing.
To start configuring your Campaign, check the of your desired campaign and your configuration tab will be displayed accordingly.
To enable your campaign, you must have at least one Target and Ad added to the campaign, you can also check the sign to see whether there is any issue preventing you from enabling the campaign.
If you wish to reutilize a campaign with different configurations without having to create a new one from scratch, you have the option of duplicating a campaign, simply click on at the campaign you want to duplicate and a copy of that campaign will be listed, when duplicating a campaign, you also duplicate ads, budget, and targets.
If a campaign has served its purpose but you do not wish to delete the campaign, you have the option of archiving it, click on to archive.
To check your archived campaigns, click on to toggle your view to Archived campaigns, there you will see all of them and if you wish to retrieve a campaign simply click on and the campaign will be available again.
If you need to delete a campaign simply click on and a confirmation screen will be displayed, this action cannot be undone and you will have to manually type the campaign name to delete it.