This is the smallest building block of our ad server. A creative represents the code that will be delivered to the end user when your ad is displayed.
You can provide the HTML code yourself or the platform can generate the HTML code for you if you give an image and link URL.
Creatives can be in one of 3 states: draft, in review, and approved. Any modification to a creative's content will put it in a draft where it won't be served to users. You can submit any changes for review and if everything is in accordance with our policies, the creative will be approved.
Creative groups, as the name suggests, allow you to group several creatives while applying different weights to each.
This is most useful when running A/B tests with any number of creatives to measure which performs better.
Ads are what the end user's browser requests from our Ad Server. They are composed of one or more rules where each rule specify a set of conditions that once met will direct the user to a particular creative group.
When the end user's browser makes the ad request, the creative group associated with the first rule that matches will be delivered. At this time, one of the creatives configured on the group will be randomly selected by weight and then delivered.
To simplify the creation of standardized creatives you can use Blueprints and Builds. These features can also be used to generate dynamic banners containing your products.
Blueprints define a base HTML code that can be dynamically generated based on user input. The parameters required for the generation can also be customized.
When you have a blueprint ready and wish to create creatives from it, you create a build. A build will record what creative sizes you want, the blueprint used, and all parameters. Once created, the build will generate all the creatives for you. You can at any moment alter any parameter and the creatives will be updated to reflect the change.
Creative Groups allow you to group several creatives as a single unit. You can then apply different weights to each and later check the performance of one against the others.
They are very useful if you wish to display several variants of the same banners while keeping a simple configuration for Ads. They are also how you can run A/B tests to determine which creatives perform best.
Fill in the details:
Name - how you want to call this creative group;
Tags - up to 5 labels that can be used to aid identification and searching;
Domain - this is the primary domain that the creatives on this group will take the user when clicked;
Type - the type of creative, can be any common IAB size like "Large Leaderboard (970x90)", "Banner (468x60)", etc.
Configure the creative group composition:
By default, the system will attribute equal weight to all creatives. If you wish to direct more traffic to one creative over another, simply adjust the weights column. The system will calculate the approximate ratio of impressions each one will have.
In the Creative Group list, by hovering the mouse over the warning sign, you can check the status of your creative.
Attention! If you delete a creative group, all data related to that creative group, including previously collected metrics, will also be deleted, this action cannot be undone.
The metrics tab will display all metrics related to the selected creatives or for the whole account if no creatives are selected. Find below all metrics available for your creative groups.
To check the performance of the creatives in a group, select the desired group on the list and then switch the metrics to be grouped by Creative instead of by Creative Group. You can then compare any of the available metrics between the creatives being tested in the group.
The real time tab will display real time events related to the selected creative group.
Learn more about the Real Time tab.
On the Creative Group page click on .
Select at least one creative to be a part of this group. To add more creatives, use the button. To remove an existing creative, use the button.
You can create a new creative directly from this editor by clicking on the button, or you can edit an existing creative by clicking on .
Click on the button to see a preview of this group:
After making all the necessary changes, click on .
To edit a creative group use the button on the creative group list. All fields are available for editing except the domain and type selectors.
Once you make the necessary changes to your creative group, click on .
Once all issues are addressed the creative group will display a .
Creative Groups that are not being used frequently can be archived by clicking on the button. Archiving a creative group does not prevent it from being used or displayed, just hides it from main view.
To see all archived creative groups, simply turn on the filter. You can unarchive a creative to move it to the main view.
You can delete a creative group by clicking on . If the creative group is being used, you will be presented with a list of ads that will be affected. If you confirm the deletion, the ads will be modified to remove the deleted creative group from rotation.
Our platform offers an alternative method for creating creatives. You can create them through our Blueprints and Builds tab, by using them you will be capable of creating dynamic banners totally customizable, which will grant you freedom in creating these creatives.
Blueprints are models for creating ads quickly and efficiently. These pre-made models allow you to build ads that align with your business needs effortlessly.
Built on web design languages, Blueprints can offer you the flexibility of creating dynamic banners. Even, if you are not familiar with web development languages, you can confidently use one of the pre-made Blueprints available.
On builds, you will be using your previously created blueprint to generate creatives in bulk and customize them according to your campaign's needs.
Learn more about Blueprints and how to work with them!
Blueprints are models for creating ads quickly and efficiently. These pre-made models allow you to code dynamic banners using web development languages, creating more engaging ads and improving the expected results.
Built on web design languages, Blueprints offer the flexibility of creating dynamic banners. Even if you are not familiar with web development languages, you can confidently use one of the pre-made Blueprints available.
You will have some public blueprint models available for use, so even if you are not familiar with web development languages, you'll be able to create and use blueprints easily. You can also create a blueprint with your parameters by coding it; however, this option might require web development skills.
Fill in the Details:
Name: Set a name for your blueprint.
Tags: Set tags for your better organization.
Availability: Select if you want this blueprint to be public or private. Public blueprints will be available to everyone on BMS.
Generate Sizes: Select in which sizes this blueprint will build your creatives.
Name: Set a name for this parameters group.
Description: Set a description of the parameters group.
Parameter ID: Use this identifier to insert the provided user value into your template.
Name: Set a name to your parameter.
Description: Set a description to your parameter.
Type: Select the data type of the input:
Minimum Length: Set a minimum length for the input.
Maximum Length: Set a minimum length for the input.
Validation Regex: Insert the pattern used for the string validation.
Validation Message: This message is displayed to the user if the validation pattern doesn't match.
Select between the options:
Single-Line: Creates a field to enter a single line of text
Multi-Line: Creates a field that allows you to enter multiple lines of text.
Initial Value: This is the initial value the system will use when creating a new build.
Initial Value: Check the box if the initial value is true, uncheck it if it's false.
Label: Insert the label of your parameter.
Value: Insert the value associated with the label.
Initial Value: Pick one of the configurated labels as the initial value.
Type: Select the code language.
Code box: Insert your code into the code box.
Initial Value: Insert the hex color code, or click on the color box to pick a color.
Minimum: Insert the minimum value to be accepted.
Maximum: Insert the maximum value to be accepted.
Initial Value: Insert the initial value of the parameter.
Resource ID
Resource Type: Choose between a CS2 catalog or a CS2 Recommendation Model to use one of them as a resource for your banner.
Initial Value: Select the specific catalog or recommendation model you want to use for this parameter.
Use Image Picker: Check this box to enable the image picker, in which you can pick images from your uploaded creatives, upload a new one if needed, or inform the image URL.
Initial Value: Insert the initial value for the image URL.
Continue adding parameter groups and parameters until your business needs are satisfied.
Use the available system parameters to customize your template:
Account ID: This option inserts on your template the account ID of the account where the build is created.
Banner Width: Insert the width in which the banner will be rendered.
Banner Height: Insert the height at which the banner will be rendered.
Use the available macros with your URLs, some of them are:
Unescaped Click URL: This macro will be replaced by BMS's unescaped click tracker URL. Use this option when BMS is the first click tracker on the chain.
Escaped Click URL: This macro will be replaced by BMS's escaped click tracker URL. Use this option when BMS is the second click tracker on the chain.
Double-Escaped Click URL: This macro will be replaced by BMS's double-escaped click tracker URL. Use this option when BMS is the third click tracker on the chain.
Cache Buster: This macro will be replaced by a random number that can be used for cache busting.
Escaped Ad Context: This macro will be replaced by an escaped JSON object containing data about the ad context, such as the campaign ID and users' data.
Be careful when deleting blueprints, this action cannot be undone, and builds relying on the deleted blueprint will stop working, all the related data, including previously collected metrics, will also be deleted.
Click on to start
Parameters: Click on to create a new parameters group.
Click on to save your parameter group.
After creating the parameters group, you can begin coding your banner on the code box. Then, configure the parameters of your code to align with those in the parameter group. To add a new parameter to the group click on and fill in the details:
Add as many labels as you need by clicking on .
Click on to save your parameter.
After finishing all your blueprint settings, click on to save your blueprint.
It's possible to use an existing blueprint as well. You can duplicate a blueprint you already have to reuse some of its parameters by clicking on at the same row as the blueprint you want to be duplicated. Additionally, you can use a public blueprint. Turn off the owned option, above the blueprints list, choose one of the available blueprints, and click on at the same row as the public blueprint you want to use. Turn on the owned option again, and then click on to edit the blueprint according to your business needs.
You can delete or archive blueprints according to your needs. To archive blueprints, click on at the same row as the blueprint you want to archive. To view your archived blueprints, turn on the archived option above the list of blueprints.
To delete blueprints click on at the same row as the blueprint you need to delete, then confirm the action by clicking on .
Creatives are the smallest building block of our Ad Server, representing what will be delivered to the end-user when your ad is displayed.
Display Creatives are essentially just blocks of HTML code. You can provide this code yourself or utilize our built-in editor to configure a simple creative that has a clickable image.
Fill in the details:
Name - how you want to call this creative;
Tags - up to 5 labels that can be used to aid identification and searching;
Domain - the primary domain to which this creative will direct the user when clicked;
Type - the type of creative, such as common IAB size like "Large Leaderboard (970x90)", "Banner (468x60)", etc.
After clicking on the drop-down menu available for selecting a creative type, you will have access to a list containing all types that can be used, these are the available types:
Super Leaderboard / Pushdown (970x90)
Medium Rectangle (300x250)
Leaderboard (728x90)
Large Rectangle (336x280)
Banner (468x60)
Small Square (200x200)
Smartphone Leaderboard (320x50)
Square (250x250)
Smartphone Banner (300x50)
Mobile Phone Interstitial (640x1136)
Feature Phone Small Banner (120x20)
Mobile Phone Interstitial (1080x1920)
Feature Phone Medium Banner (168x28)
Mobile Phone Interstitial (750x1334)
Feature Phone Large Banner (216x36)
Half-Page (300x600)
Billboard (970x250)
Portrait (300x1050)
Smartphone Large Leaderboard (320x100)
Wide Skyscraper (160x600)
Financial (120x60)
Skyscraper (120x600)
To design your creative, you have two options:
To use a simple image with a link, on the "Static Image" tab, fill in:
The image you wish to display. You can either paste a URL for an image you are already hosting or use the integration with the BMS Media Library to find or upload a new one.
Note: The BMS Media Library supports uploads of static images or GIFs as long as the file size is 2 MB or less.
The link you wish to open when the image is clicked. This can be any HTTPS URL with query strings such as UTMs. Our standard click tracker will be added to show metrics for the creative.
You will be presented with your current website URL and then each UTM tag and its explanation to help you complete them.
If no URL has been informed, you will need to insert the corresponding URL to your website's domain, if no URL is presented it will not be possible to configure your UTM's.
When editing UTMs, every time you change a tag, it will automatically update your Link URL, presenting you with the current version of your tags.
UTM Source: Identifies the source of the traffic. In this case, you would use "BMS" as your source.
Example - "BMS": To know that the creative has come from the BMS platform.
Note: You can add any kind of source to your UTM, it is up to you to decide with one is better.
UTM Medium: You can use a campaign medium to identify the medium a visitor found your URL on, such as social media, QR code, cost-per-click (CPC), affiliates, organic/paid ads, newsletters, etc.
Example - "Social": Since the campaign will target social media, we can set the medium as Social.
UTM Campaign: As the name suggests, it is used to give a name to your campaign, like "Black Friday Sale," "Thanksgiving Sale," "Launch Campaign," etc.
Example - "YourCampaign": Here you can simply state the name of your campaign, to better identify the campaign that the creative is being used.
UTM Content: Campaign content is useful when you are A/B testing ads. It differentiates identical links that direct to the same URL. For example, when you have two links in one email, this parameter distinguishes between them.
Example - "HomePage": The content that the user will be presented to, if we are running A/B Tests on different pages, this is a way of configuring the content UTM Tag.
UTM Term: Identifies paid keywords in ad campaigns (mainly used for paid search campaigns).
Example - "Sport Shoes": This identifies the paid search campaign in which the keywords used for the paid search were Sport Shoes.
To use a fully customized creative, switch to the "Paste HTML" tab and insert the final HTML code that will be displayed when the user views your creative.
This can be anything and it is entirely up to you to produce a working creative with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
When you provide the HTML code, our click tracker won't be automatically added. You can copy the click tracker macro (or any other macro you wish) from the bottom template assist buttons and paste it on your HTML. For more information, please take a look at the Macros section.
If you are ready to send the creative for review ensure that the "Send for review" option is checked. If you wish to continue editing it later, leave it unchecked.
Our Ad Server provides several macros that can be used within your HTML code, they can be found at the bottom of the Paste HTML tab.
Some of them are:
BMS Click Trackers - These macros will enable BMS to track clicks on your ads. If you don't install any of these, no click event or metric will be registered.
Unescaped Click URL This is the most used version. It must be installed at the very beginning of the link, before any other tracker, and before the final URL itself.
Escaped Click URL This version is similar to the previous but it should only be used if you wish to have an external click tracker that does not support unescaped URLs.
Double-escaped Click URL This version is similar to the previous two but it should only be used if you wish to have a click tracker chain of two or more where the external click tackers do not support unescaped URLs.
Cache Buster This macro will inject a random sequence of numbers and is most commonly used to ensure that the requests will not be cached.
In order to be displayed in a campaign, a creative must be enabled. If you wish to prevent a creative from being displayed, you can disable it, and it will immediately cease impressions.
Attention! If you delete a creative, all data related to that creative, including previously collected metrics, will also be deleted, this action cannot be undone.
The metrics tab will display all metrics related to the selected creatives or for the whole account if no creatives are selected. Find below all metrics available for your creatives.
The real time tab will display real time events related to the selected creative.
Learn more about the Real Time tab.
Create builds based on your blueprints to generate dynamic banners for your campaigns. Dynamic banners are useful because they can customize what each user sees according to the parameters set, allowing for more engaging campaigns and improving expected results. For example, when running a retargeting campaign, you can create a build to generate creatives based on recommendation models, which will suggest products from your catalog based on the recent activity on your website, thereby improving your conversions.
On the BMS homepage click on Builds, under the Ad Serving section, to access the Builds page.
Before creating a build, it is necessary to create your blueprints. If you haven't done this yet, follow the instructions on the Blueprints page and then come back.
Fill in the details:
Name: Set a name for your Build.
Tags: Set tags for your organization.
Domain: Select the domain to which you want to redirect the user when he clicks on the ad.
Blueprint: Select the previously configured blueprint to start configuring its parameters.
Generated sizes: Select in which sizes your ads' banners should be generated.
Parameters: This section will change according to the selected blueprint, it will contain the same parameters configured on the blueprint, you can adjust these parameters as you observe a preview of how your dynamic banners are being generated.
The creatives tab shows you a preview of how dynamic banners are being generated by your builds.
To see a preview on the creatives tab, select at least one build from the build list by checking the box on the left side of the build's name. Selecting more than one will show you a preview of all the selected builds.
Attention: Be careful when deleting builds, this action cannot be undone and all the related data, including previously collected metrics, will also be deleted.
You can learn more about how metrics are handled by visiting the Metrics page.
The metrics displayed on the Metrics tab of the Builds page are the same as those on the Creatives page. To understand how they work and what each one means, please check our Creatives Metrics Tab page.
The Page Load Tracking Tag enables you to measure the effectiveness of your ads by tracking whether users who click on them land on your website. This feature provides insights into how well your ad clicks translate into genuine website visits. It helps you understand and optimize user engagement with your ads.
To access our Page Load Tracking Tag feature, check the Ad Server's tools menu.
Once you add this tag to your website, it begins tracking the entire journey from when a user clicks on your ad to when your webpage fully loads. It records the time taken for this process and gathers crucial metrics, such as the total number of page loads, the conversion rate of clicks to page loads, the average cost per page load, and the average time from click to page load.
There are 2 installation methods available: Google Tag Manager and Direct on The Page. For both options there is an installing tutorial on the platform, follow the steps provided for each option on their respective tabs.
Google Tag Manager:
Directly on the page:
Installing this tag is crucial for gaining clear insights into your ad performance and user behavior. It also plays a key role in our anti-fraud detection system by automatically blocking sites that generate clicks without delivering users to the intended destination. This protection helps safeguard you from fraudulent activity. By using the data provided, you can make informed decisions, refine your ads, and enhance the user experience. Overall, this tag ensures every click is accurately tracked, making your marketing efforts more effective and secure.
The results of using this feature can be tracked through specific metrics designed for it. You can find an explanation of these metrics on the Ad Server Metrics Page.
Learn how to create, edit and analyze your Ads' metrics here.
In the Ads area, you will create the Ads for your campaign, adding the group of creatives you want to send to the Ad Exchanges for approval.
You have complete control and visualization of the status of your Ad in each of the Ad Exchanges and you can also create rules for promoting these Ads.
On the Ads page, click on the button.
On the Select Assets Tab, you will need to fulfill a domain in which your creatives will be representing, you can choose between creating new creatives or using existing creatives.
To configure your UTM Tags, check here for more information.
After selecting your images, you will be shown your uploaded images.
If you wish to create new Ads based on existing Creatives, select the Use Existing Creatives tab, note that if you have previously selected any images on the Create New Creatives tab, all of your images will be discarded.
On the A/B Test tab, you can decide if you will be testing your Ads to check their results, by setting different weights on each creative.
It is necessary to have more than one creatives selected in order to use the A/B Test.
On the Naming and Tagging Strategy tab, you will be able to customize your ads' names and tags.
Copy From Assets - Uses the same name or tags from the creative itself.
Use New - Creates a new name or tag for all ads.
Append Size - By checking this option, insert the creative's size into the name.
Custom - Customize each Ad separately, naming and tagging each one.
You can check the current status of your settings by checking the Preview Editor.
On your Rules tab, you will be able to set a schedule for your Ad, being able to set a starting date and ending date, as well as setting which day and time.
If no schedule is set, all of your ads will be displayed all day long every day.
You can set a specific time for your Ad to be displayed, if all boxes are unchecked, the selected day will be removed from your schedule.
While making changes to your schedule, our Preview Editor will display how many hours per week the ads will be displayed.
All ads are sent for review and need Ad Exchange approval in order to be available in your campaign.
Some Ad Exchanges do not require a review, and your Ads will be available for immediate use.
For an Ad to work, it is necessary to create a rule, you will decide when the ad will be displayed, if you have not created the rule through our Ad Creation steps, follow the steps below.
On your rule creation, you will be able to select the time frame in which your ad will be displayed.
Name - Set a name to your Rule, to better identify;
Creative Group - Select the creative group in which your rule will be used;
Scheduling - You can schedule your ads to be displayed on certain days or time window, making it possible to fully customize when your ads will be displayed.
Display - Set a starting date and when the rule stops, you can always edit this date when necessary.
If you do not change the rule, the platform will understand that your creative will run during the campaign period, on all days of the week, and at any time. This area allows you to create periods for Ads to run within the same campaign, as well as their times and days of the week.
Example: Let's say that in the first half of the month, you have a promotion for a 10% discount on products and in the second half of the month for a 20% discount. You could create two Ads with different creatives and create a period rule so that the platform makes this change automatically for you, without the need to create two different campaigns;
Should your ad review fail for any reason, you can check more details here on how to correctly identify the error and how to fix it.
On the Ad list, you can check at a glance if there are any issues with your configuration. You can move the mouse over the warning sign to see a description of the issue.
Once all issues are addressed the ad will display a green check.
The metrics tab will display all metrics related to the selected ads or for the whole account if no ads are selected.
Since the group by feature is available for this metrics tab you will also be able to Group your metrics by:
Ad - See the performance of each ad separately.
Rule - Check which rule is working better for your ads, making it easy to make adjustments.
Creative Group - See which creative group is performing better and create strategies accordingly.
Exchange - Check the performance of an Ad Exchange and make adjustments based on that data.
Find below all metrics available for your Ads.
The real time tab will display real time events related to the selected ad.
Learn more about the real time tab.
Some ad exchanges require a review of your ad before displaying it in their inventory to ensure compliance with their pre-established rules. Once the review is complete, the ad exchange will inform you whether the ad is approved or rejected, along with the reason for rejection.
Reviewing ads is essential to prevent inappropriate content from being displayed on websites that do not accept such content.
Please note that sometimes an ad exchange's rejection might not provide an accurate status for your review. Therefore, make sure to resend your ad for review to double-check the rejection status.
Below are some statuses that Google Authorized Buyers may assign to your ad, along with guidance on how to identify any issues affecting your ad. Here are some statuses that authorized Google Buyers can assign to their ads, along with guidelines on how to identify any problems affecting their ads. The ad exchange statuses shown are specific to Google, as it is currently the only one with a rejection status.
Explicit adult content is not allowed on the ad network. Some adult-oriented ads and landing pages are allowed but will be shown in limited scenarios based on user searches, user age, and local laws.
Below is a table where you can check if your creative presents any of the following examples. If it does, you will need to make adjustments to your creative before resubmitting the ad for review.
Partial Nudity
Lower or outer curve of the female breast exposed, majority of buttocks exposed
Sexualized Theme Dating
Affair dating, sexual fetish dating
Sexual Merchandise
Sex toys, lubricants, aphrodisiacs, sexual enhancers, sexual fetish lingerie
Sexual Entertainment
Strip clubs, adult movie festivals, sexually suggestive live streaming or live chat, sexually suggestive role playing games
Mature Cosmetic Procedures
Female breast augmentation, penis enlargement surgery, vaginal laser rejuvenation, buttock implants, pubic hair grooming
Sexually Suggestive Elements and Theme
Lewd or sexual language, images featuring legs spread open, touching covered intimate body parts, mimicking sexual positions or movements, dating for general audiences that includes more sexually suggestive imagery
Visible genitalia, female breasts, or buttocks
Sexual Encounter Dating
Hook-up or fling dating, swinger dating sites
*Restriction Level:
Moderate - Ads that feature or promote the following types of sexual content categories are moderately restricted. They will only serve based on the following conditions:
The user’s age, the local laws where the ad is being served, and the user’s Safe Search settings.
Strong - Ads that feature or promote the following types of sexual content are strongly restricted. They will only serve based on the following conditions:
The user’s age, the local laws where the ad is being served, and the user’s Safe Search settings.
The user’s sexual content Search queries.
Once you receive a rejection for your ad, identify which example better suits your creative and make the necessary changes. After making the changes, resend the ad for review. If the changes made are correct, the ad will not be rejected.
Should you need any further information, check here.
Google requires that the destination and content of ads be accessible to the Google AdsBot web crawlers, ensuring that users are redirected to the correct destination after clicking on the ad.
In this scenario, the ads would be disapproved due to an untrackable destination.
Make sure Googlebot is allowed to crawl your landing page by checking your robots.txt file.
Below are some restrictions and errors you may have and how to identify them.
Destination Mismatch
The domain or domain extension in the display URL doesn’t match the final and mobile URLs where users are taken to.
Display URL: google.com and Final URL: example.com; Ad display URL: example.com and Keyword final URL: example.org; using the keyword insertion feature in the top-level or second-level domain of your display URL, such as "www.{keyword}.com"
Destination Not Crawlable
Destinations that are not crawlable by Google Ads
Using exclusion files (such as "robots.txt") to restrict access to an entire site or to the majority of a site; restricting crawl capacity disproportionately to the number of ads being submitted
Destination Experience
Destinations or content that are unnecessarily difficult or frustrating to navigate
Websites with pop-ups or interstitials that interfere with the user's ability to see the content requested; sites that disable or interfere with the browser's back button; websites that don't load quickly on most popular browsers and devices, or require download of an additional application to view the landing page (aside from common browser plug-ins)
Destination Not Accessible
Destinations that are not accessible in the targeted location
A site that displays a location based access limitation message in the targeted location (e.g. “This site is not accessible in your location”); a site that displays other messaging related to access limitations in the targeted location (e.g. “you do not have permission to access this page”)
Check which situation your website fits into; you may need to consult your technical team to make the necessary changes to comply with the Ad Exchange's destination requirements.
You can also check here for a broader view of how to fix that issue.
The promotion of online, real-money gambling or sites that contain or link to content related to online gambling is allowed with country-specific restrictions.
Social casino game ads are allowed on the Open Auction and Deals if they comply with the policies, which will be presented shortly, and if the advertiser has been certified Social casino game ads must target approved countries and should not appeal to minors. Check local regulations for the areas you want to target.
The promotion of social casino games, which are online simulated gambling games where there is no opportunity to win anything of value, such as money or prizes, is allowed.
However, the following are not allowed:
Social casino game destinations that offers gambling or games where the opportunity exists to win real money or prizes based on the outcome of the game.
Promotion of "real money gambling" destinations. This includes gambling-related advertisements that appear on your social casino game destination.
Promoting ads for offline and online gambling is permitted. However, your ad must comply with the following:
Offline Gambling
Promotion of physical, real-money gambling activity or establishments
"Brick and mortar casinos” in Las Vegas or Macau, entertainment events at casinos, streaming of offline poker tournaments
Online Gambling
Promotion of online, real-money gambling; Promotion of sites that contain or link to content relating to online gambling
Online casinos or bookmakers, bingo or slots sites or apps, online lottery ticket or scratch card purchase, online sports betting, games played with virtual currencies or items that have real-world value, Promotional products such as vouchers or bonus codes; educational materials such as tutorials or e-books; software such as poker odds calculators; other gambling-related information including tips, odds, handicapping, and sports picks; aggregator or affiliate sites that promote gambling-related content
Online Non-Casino Games
Any internet-based game where money or other items of value are paid or wagered in exchange for the opportunity to win real money or prizes based on the outcome of the game
Fantasy sports, online chess tournaments, or "match-three" video games played for money or prizes
Once you identify your method, you must comply with the rules of the country and get a certificate in order to display ads related to gambling.
Below, you can check the requirements for each country.
You will need the certificate for each country in which you are interested in publishing Ads.
For further information on how to apply for the certification, check here.
All ads and landing pages on Authorized Buyers must be designated as "family safe" to ensure they can potentially be shown to all appropriate audiences. It is necessary to identify how your creative fits into each category below.
Dangerous or Derogatory Content
Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity
Content promoting hate groups or hate group paraphernalia; content that encourages others to believe that a person or group is inhuman, inferior, or worthy of being hated
Sexually Explicit Content
Text, image, audio, or video of graphic sexual acts intended to arouse, Content promoting underage, non-consensual, or other illegal sexual themes, whether simulated or real, Content promoting the creation or distribution of synthetic content that has been altered or generated to be sexually explicit or contain nudity as described above.
Hardcore pornography; sex acts such as genital, anal, and oral sex; masturbation; cartoon porn or hentai, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, lolita or teen-themed pornography, underage dating, sites or apps that claim to generate deepfake pornography, instructions on how to create deepfake pornography, endorsing or comparing deepfake pornography services
Compensated Sexual Acts
Content that may be interpreted as promoting a sexual act in exchange for compensation
Prostitution, companionship and escort services, intimate massage and similar services, cuddling sites; compensated dating or sexual arrangements where one participant is expected to provide money, gifts, financial support, mentorship or other valuable benefits to another participant such as ‘Sugar’ dating
Mail-order brides
Content promoting marriage to a foreigner
Mail-order brides, international marriage brokers, romance tours
Adult Themes in Family Content
Content that is made to appear appropriate for a family audience but contains adult themes, including sex, violence, vulgarity, or other depictions of children or popular children’s characters, that are unsuitable for a general audience
Adult content targeting family content audience.
If your creative matches any of the examples above, you will need to make the necessary changes accordingly. Make sure your creative does not present any of the above examples. After making the required changes, resend your ad for review.
For any further information you may need, check here.
We want ads across our network to be useful, varied, relevant, and safe for users. Advertisers are not allowed to run ads, content, or destinations that attempt to deceive or bypass our ad review processes.
Here are some examples of practices to avoid in your ads:
Malicious Software
Softwares designed to harm or gain unauthorized access to a computer, device, or network. Ads, as well as any software hosted or linked by your site or app, must not intentionally distribute malicious software that could compromise security.
Viruses, ransomware, trojans, spyware, and rogue security programs.
Forced redirects, such as sending users to infected sites without their interaction.
HTML5 ads stealing user credentials from a publisher's page.
Compromised Sites
A compromised site is one whose code has been altered without the owner’s knowledge, often benefiting a third party while potentially harming users.
Injecting scripts or code that secretly transmits user data, such as credit card skimmers.
Installing malware on user devices or launching intrusive pop-up ads.
Redirecting users to other sites without consent.
Misusing user data without explicit permission.
Operating a website with known security vulnerabilities that have been exploited.
Unwanted Software
Any software hosted or linked by your site or app must provide a positive user experience. Unwanted software fails to meet this standard by being deceptive, intrusive, or harmful. It may mislead users, operate without transparency, or negatively impact system performance.
Misleading software that doesn’t fulfill its promises.
Programs that trick users into installation.
Applications that modify systems unexpectedly.
Software that collects or shares data without consent.
Unfair Advantage
Using the ad network to gain an unfair traffic advantage over other participants in the auction.
Promoting the same or similar content from multiple accounts for the same or similar queries.
Attempting to show multiple ads simultaneously for the same business, app, or site.
Evasive Ad Content
Manipulating ad components (text, images, videos, domains, or subdomains) to bypass detection or enforcement measures.
Misspelling prohibited words or phrases to avoid ad disapproval.
Manipulating trademark terms in ad text, domains, subdomains, or logos to bypass trademark restrictions.
Using invisible UNICODE characters that add no value to the ad content.
Circumventing Systems
Engaging in practices that bypass, interfere with, or manipulate ad platform enforcement mechanisms and review processes. These tactics aim to evade detection, mislead users, or continue policy violations.
Cloaking (showing different content to certain users, including the platform’s review systems).
Redirecting users to non-compliant content.
Using dynamic DNS to alter page or ad content.
Manipulating site content or restricting access to hinder ad review.
Using click trackers to redirect users to malicious sites.
Creating multiple accounts to post ads that violate policies.
Bypassing enforcement by modifying disapproved ads, domains, or content.
Re-entering the system after suspension by creating new accounts.
Abusing product features to display non-compliant content.
Submitting false information in verification programs.
Failing to update certifications for regulated industries, such as gambling.
Violations of this policy are taken very seriously and considered egregious, especially when they are unlawful or pose significant harm to users. In assessing compliance, Google may review multiple sources, including ads, websites, accounts, and third-party information.
For any further information you may need, check here.
It is possible for a Google-approved ad to be removed later due to policy changes or errors in Google's daily checks. Google's re-evaluation might determine that your ad now violates a rule, leading to its removal.
A common solution for this situation is to resubmit your ad for review. This allows Google to either approve it again or provide the correct rejection status if it still violates a rule.
During a campaign, you might stop using some ads, and Google may revoke these ads after a period of inactivity. Google performs daily checks, and if your ad is not being used regularly, it may be revoked. Once you resubmit the ad for review, it should be approved.
The ad server billing section is available on the billing page. It contains information about every billed item related to ad serving and is divided into 9 sub-sections.
At BMS, it prioritizes transparency by displaying every detail of your bill. Visit our Billing Home to understand how the bills are structured.
Below is an explanation of each of these sections with their respective details.
The ad management subsection details the costs associated with the ad management process. Storing ads incurs a fee based on the duration of storage and the number of ads stored. Additionally, there is a complimentary quota of 1,000 requests for each of the following services: ad creation, ad requests, ad patching, and ad listing. Charges apply once this free quota is exceeded. Deleting actions are not charged.
Example: In the picture, there were almost 63 thousand ad hours consumed, which is equivalent to keeping nearly 88 ads active for a month (720 hours). This results in a bill of $8.80. Additionally, there were nearly 73 thousand ad requests; the first thousand were free, and after that, the ad requests were billed at $0.01 per thousand, resulting in a $0.73 bill. Therefore, the total Ad Management bill ($8.80 + $0.73) was $9.52.
The ad rendering subsection details the costs associated with the ad rendering service. A rendering is counted each time an ad is displayed on a screen, whether it's shown to a user or previewed during the creation process. You will be charged per request when retrieving an ad container or ad content. Additionally, charges for rendering an ad will be based on the number of ad content bytes transferred during the process.
Example: You will notice that in this picture there were nearly 103 thousand ad content requests. The charge was $0.10 per 1,000 ad content requests, resulting in a $10.27 bill. It is also possible to notice that 0.57 GB of ad content data was transferred. The charge was $1.00 per GB transferred, costing $0.57 for the ad content data transferred. Since the ad container only has 56 requests and is charged $0.01 per 1,000 requests, it did not contribute to the final result, meaning the total Ad Rendering bill ($10.27 + $0.57) was $10.84.
This subsection outlines the costs associated with the ad tracking service. Each tracked action counts as a request, including those performed during the creation process. Every service in this section includes a free quota of 1,000 requests, and charges will only apply once this quota is exceeded. Fees are based on the total number of requests processed during your ad campaign.
Example: In the image, you can observe that there was a free quota of 1,000 requests per service, after which billing starts. It is noticeable that this quota was not reached for the Ad Click Tracking service, meaning there will be no charges for this service. You can also observe that after reaching the quota, the Ad Display Tracking service is charged $0.001 per 1,000 requests. There were nearly 93 thousand requests for this service, resulting in a $0.09 bill. Additionally, after the Track Ad View passed the 1,000 requests mark, it charged for nearly 48 thousand requests, resulting in a $0.05 bill, reaching a total Ad Tracking bill of $0.14.
The Creative Builder Blueprint Management subsection details the costs related to the blueprint management process, the blueprints' storage is charged based on how many blueprints you have and for how long they were stored. There is a free quota of 1000 requests available for the other services in this subsection, after which you will be charged per request.
Example: As you can observe in the image, except for storage, all other services have a free quota of 1,000 requests. Since none of them have reached the quota, there will be no charges related to them. Regarding storage, it was billed at $0.01 per blueprint per month (720 hours). Nearly 1,300 blueprint-hours were consumed in a month, which is equivalent to keeping 2 blueprints stored for a month, resulting in a $0.02 bill for storage.
This subsection details the costs related to the Builds management process. There is a free quota of 1,000 requests for all listed services, except for storage. After exceeding this quota, you will be charged per request. Storage is charged based on the number of builds you have stored and the duration of storage on the platform. Deleting actions are not charged.
Example: You will notice that in this picture, except for the storage, there were no charges as the listed services had a free quota of 1,000 requests, which was not exceeded. The storage was charged $0.01 per build per month (720 hours). Nearly 5,000 build-hours were consumed, which is equivalent to keeping almost 7 builds stored for a month, resulting in a $0.07 bill.
The Creative Group Management subsection outlines the costs associated with managing creative groups. Deletion actions incur no charges. Each service offers a free quota of 1,000 requests, except for storage. Once the free quota is exceeded, charges apply per request. Storage costs are based on the number of creative groups stored on the platform and the duration of their storage.
Example: In this picture, you will notice that there was a free quota of 1,000 requests for each service, except for storage. Since the quota for these services was not exceeded, there will be no charges. Storage was billed at $0.10 per creative group per month (720 hours). Nearly 60,000 creative group hours were consumed, resulting in an $8.39 bill, which is equivalent to almost 84 creative groups stored for a month (720 hours).
This subsection provides details on the costs associated with creative management. Deletion actions are free of charge. Each service, except storage, includes a free quota of 1,000 requests; charges are applied per request beyond this limit. Storage costs are based on the number of creatives and the duration for which they are stored on the platform.
Example: In the picture, you can observe that there was a free quota of 1,000 requests per service, except for storage. Since none of these services exceeded the quota, there will be no charges. Storage was billed at $0.10 per creative per month (720 hours). With a little more than 74,000 creative-hours consumed, the resulting bill is $10.30, which is equivalent to storing almost 103 creatives for a month (720 hours).
This subsection contains billing information related to the domain management process. There is a free quota of 1,000 requests for the listing domains service, after which charges will be applied per request.
Example: You will notice in the image that the only service used was the domain listing, this service had a free quota of 1000 requests, since the quota was not exceeded, there will be no charges.
The exchange review management subsection contains billing information related to the exchange review process, including refreshing the exchange review status and sending an ad for exchange review. Each will be charged per request after exceeding the free quota of 1,000 requests per service.
Example: In this picture, you will notice that there was a free quota of 1,000 requests for refreshing the exchange review status. After exceeding this quota, the service was billed $0.01 per 1,000 requests. With nearly 15,000 requests made, the resulting bill is $0.15. The other service did not exceed the free quota, so there will be no charges for it.
All products generate metrics once you start using them. These metrics are charged and are crucial for understanding your BMS platform usage and performance. The Monitoring Tab is responsible for these metrics and will display the related bill. BMS is focused on transparency and will show you the costs for all features within each product.
Here you will find all metrics related to our Ad Server product, they will appear according to each feature, it will help you understand how the feature is performing and provide valuable insights to make strategic decisions on your campaign. Additionally, when reviewing metrics, you can always use the to access our articles about a specific metric.
You can learn more about how metrics are handled by visiting the .
This metric represents the number of ads served from the Ad Server, based on the end user's browser requesting the content. This means your ad will be in the user's browser.
Example: In this graph, you can see that a peak of almost 700 deliveries was reached, with an average delivery rate of 100%. This means your ads are being delivered to the correct audience without any restrictions on their domain. The Delivery metric is often related to the Impressions metric. After winning a bid, your ad will be served to the domain. However, if your delivery does not get a similar result as the impressions, it may be caused by the domain's rules, towards blocking some specific kind of Ads.
This metric represents the number of ads displayed in a browser. It indicates that the ad has been downloaded and shown to the user's browser.
Example: In this graph, you can see that a peak of nearly 650 Displays was reached. Even though your impression numbers are a bit higher, the display rate is not reaching 100%. This can be caused by the ad not being positioned well enough, causing the user to not see the ad for even a fraction of their browsing routine. Making changes to the positioning and making the creative more attractive can increase the display rate of your ads.
Number of views according to the Media Ratings Council Guidelines, 50% of the ad must be on screen for at least 1 second. This metric is only validated once the user meets the MRCG requirements.
Example: In this graph, a peak of nearly 400 Views can be seen on June 11th. If the views are close to the delivery and display numbers, you can analyze that your Ad is attractive and is achieving a branding result, since people are effectively seeing your ad. The ad must be displayed in the user's browser, and the user needs to see at least 50% of the ad for at least 1 second. If only 40% of the ad is shown, it will not count as a view.
The ratio of views to the total number of deliveries is an important metric to measure if your ads are being viewed. Based on this, you might need to change your campaign's strategy.
Example: You can see in this graph that the campaign started with an average viewability of 50% to 80%, and after some changes, reached a peak of 100% viewability. If your ads are not being viewed, you might need to check your creative and make changes, or even change the positioning of your ads to make them more visible. Keep in mind that changing the positioning can also increase the bidding price due to the spot being more competitive.
Number of clicks. If your campaign's strategy is based on clicks, pay attention to this metric and make the necessary adjustments.
Example: In this graph, you can see that a peak of almost 10 clicks was reached on certain ads. You can review this chart to identify which ads are not receiving the expected clicks and analyze how they differ from the ads that were clicked on, you also have to consider the used targets to understand in what audience your ads are performing better. A campaign based on Retargeting or Remarketing focuses on clicks to generate conversions. To achieve this, you need to create compelling creatives and may need to allocate a larger budget to ensure better positioning and target more specific audiences.
This metric measures the time it takes for the ad to load and be displayed. If your ad is too heavy, it might encounter difficulties loading on weaker devices or slower internet connections.
Example: You can see on this graph that some ads are on average taking over 3 seconds to load. If your ad is heavier or close to 2 MB, some users may experience longer loading times, resulting in delays before your ad appears. This can impact directly the visibility of your ad, potentially causing users to miss it during their browsing activities, optimizing your creative might help.
This metric measures the time it takes for a user to view the ad. By examining this metric, you can assess whether adjustments are needed regarding the placement of your ad. If users are taking too long to view your ad, it might be poorly positioned.
Example: In this metric, you can see that at the beginning of the campaign, the ads were being viewed much more quickly, largely due to their positioning. However, after some changes, the ads were taking significantly longer than intended, often extending beyond an additional 15 to 20 seconds. An ad displayed at the top of a page is much more visible than one on a side panel, which may require scrolling to view. As a result, changing the positioning of your ad will directly impact the time it takes for users to view it.
This metric measures the time it takes for a user to click on the ad. If users take too long to click, it could indicate that the ad is misplaced or not as attractive as expected. Consider making changes to enhance the attractiveness of your ad or adjusting its positioning.
Example: In this metric, you can observe that, on average, users take 1 minute and 30 seconds before clicking on an ad. If the ad is taking too long to be clicked, you should pay attention to the quality of your creative. It might be better to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, you can also use A/B Tests to assess the performance of each Ad and make multiple improvements in each test to reach a final version of that creative that gets more results. Keep monitoring your ads and make constant adjustments.
This metric shows a median in seconds of how much time was taken until your website's page was fully loaded.
Example: These metrics provide information on how much time it takes until your page loads, you can use this data to improve your ads and your website to be faster, which can improve your retention rate. In this picture, the defined time frame was 3 days, divided into 6-hour periods, you will notice that on Aug 21, the time to load the page was nearly 10 seconds, after that, this time was reduced to nearly 5 seconds and then increased to a little more than 10 seconds on Aug 23.
This metric displays the number of page loads you had in the defined time frame. The number of clicks and page loads may differ because clicks pass through an anti-fraud filter. A click might be flagged as suspicious and not counted, however, if the page loads up to 15 minutes after the ad delivery, the page load will be counted.
Example: This is a more precise way to count how many users visited your page by clicking on your ads, the user will only be counted after loading your page completely. In this picture, the defined time frame was 3 days, divided into 6-hour periods, you will notice that on Aug 21 there were nearly 25 page loads and nearly 5 page loads on Aug 23.
This metric shows the ratio of pages loaded to ad delivery, which means that it shows, in percentage, how much of your ad deliveries resulted in a page load.
Example: In a context where you install the page load tracking tag on your website, you will be able to follow on this metric how much of your ad deliveries resulted in users accessing your website. In this picture, the defined time frame was 3 days, divided into 6-hour periods, you will notice that on Aug 21 nearly 0.75% of the ad deliveries resulted in a page load, and after that, on Aug 23, the page load rate was almost 0.25%.
This metric displays, in percentage, the ratio between the number of clicks and the number of page loads in the defined time frame.
Example: The data provided by this metric will show you how many clicks on your ads have resulted in a page load. In this picture, the defined time frame was 1 day divided into 6h periods, you will notice that at 6 AM the click to page load rate was nearly 80%, meaning that 20% of the clicks didn't result in a page load, from noon until 6 PM the click to page load rate was nearly 60%, after that it increases at midnight to 100%, meaning every ad click resulted in a page load.
To start creating your creative, click on .
When inserting the link to the website designated for your creative, it is important to set your UTM tags. If you do not have your tags pre-created, you can use the feature to make adjustments to your URL and check a preview in real time to validate your URL. This button can be found in the space named "Link to." After clicking the button, the UTM tag configuration screen will pop up.
Once you configure all of your UTM Tags, hit the button, and your tags will be configured accordingly.
You can use the button to see how your creative will be displayed and to make sure that it directs users to the correct site when clicked.
After making all necessary adjustments, click on .
To edit a creative use the button on the corresponding creative. All fields are available for editing except the domain and type selectors.
If you modify the image URL, link or the HTML code the creative will go back to the status and you will need to send the creative for review again. While in draft, the creative will not be shown on any campaigns.
Once you have made all necessary changes to your creative, click on .
Creatives that are not being used frequently can be archived by clicking on the button. Archiving a creative does not prevent it from being used or displayed; it simply hides it from the main view.
To view all archived creatives, simply turn on the filter. You can unarchive a creative to return it to the main list.
You can delete a creative by clicking on . If the creative is being used, you will be presented with a list of creative groups that will be affected. If you confirm the deletion, the creative groups will be modified to remove the deleted creative from the rotation.
Click on to start creating your Build.
Click on to save your Build.
It's possible to edit your builds by clicking on at the same row as the build you need to edit. Except for the domain, all parameters and details are available for edition.
You can also duplicate builds by clicking on at the same row as the build you need to duplicate. This is useful if you want to create a build that changes only a few details compared to an existing one while keeping the original.
Archiving builds is an option that helps you organize your builds better. To archive a build, click on at the same row as the build you need to archive. To visualize your archived builds, turn on the archived option above the builds list.
You can delete builds as well, this can be done by clicking on at the same row as the build you need to delete, selecting what should be done with the creatives generated by the build, and then clicking on to confirm the action.
To create ads, click on either in the Ads area or in the Campaigns area to get started.
When creating new creatives through our ads tab, you can click on to upload images. You can use existing images from your media library, upload new images directly from your computer, or insert your Web Address (URL).
To use existing creatives, click on and you will be presented with a list of all created creatives.
You also have the option to create a creative directly from this screen, by clicking on .
Once you have chosen all necessary creatives, click on and all selected creatives will be listed.
You can also Preview your ad by clicking on , and if necessary, you can remove any unwanted creatives for your ad by clicking on .
After making all necessary changes, click on to move to the next step.
You can select whether you will be using the A/B Test by clicking on the corresponding to your decision, then if necessary, set a custom Suffix to better identify your A/B creatives.
After making all necessary changes, click on to move to the next step.
After making all necessary changes, click on to move to the next step.
To set a specific time for each day, or remove a day from your schedule, click on the dropdown .
After making all necessary changes, click on to move to the next step.
After making all necessary changes, click on to move to the next step.
Once you have followed every step correctly and made all the necessary changes, you will be able to review all your settings. If there are any adjustments required, click on to fix any issue.
After reviewing all of your ad creation process, click on to finish your ad creation.
If you need to make any necessary changes, click on on the ad and you will be able to edit the name and tags for your ad.
After making changes, click on .
To start creating an Ad rule, select an ad and move to the tab.
To create a rule, click on
After making all necessary customizations, click on .
Once you configure your rule, a week preview will be shown as well as the hours per week that your ad will be displayed. To make any necessary changes, click on and you will be able to make changes.
You can create multiple rules for the same Ad, and enable or disable them as you wish. Just flip the to decide which rules will be used.
Once you create your ads, it is necessary for certain exchanges to review your ad in order to display it on their inventory, you can check your exchange review status by clicking on .
If you did not check the Send for Review on your Ad creation, you will be able to send your ad for review by clicking on .
Ads that are not being used as often can be archived by clicking on the button. Archiving an Ad does not prevent it from being used or displayed, just hides it from the main view.
To see all archived ads simply turn on the filter. You can unarchive an Ad to make it show again on the main list.